Auto Accident Injury Treatment in Naperville IL

At Symmetry Chiropractic & Acupuncture, expect to find a Naperville IL chiropractor who will treat you with the compassionate attention you deserve and the holistic care you want. We find our patients who have been in auto accidents are especially appreciative of chiropractic care since it can help them start feeling better sooner (physically and mentally) without the need for drugs or invasive procedures.
Common Auto Accident Injuries We Treat at Our Chiropractic Clinic
Auto accident injuries can be tricky. For one thing, they can occur even in minor incidents involving speeds as slow as 10 to 15 miles per hour. Additionally, they can take a few days or weeks (sometimes months!) to show up, since fight-or-flight hormones which surge during trauma can mask pain, inflammation, and other symptoms of tissue damage.
What this tells us is that you should always consult with a chiropractor following an auto accident, because you never know what type of injury you could be dealing with, and earlier diagnosis and treatment can help you avoid a small problem from turning into a big one.
Some common auto accident injuries we see at our facility include conditions such as:
- Whiplash, which is a syndrome including neck stiffness, pain, headaches, and jaw dysfunction caused by the whip-like motion of the neck during an acceleration/deceleration situation
- Shoulder pain, often due to the impact of the (very necessary) seatbelt which can cause shoulder joint dislocation, bruising, muscle strains, and brachial plexus injury (nerve damage)
- Disc herniation and bulges, which can often cause back stiffness, back pain, and nerve impingement syndromes like sciatica (which presents with posterior leg pain and numbness)
Of course, physical and mental stress associated with car accidents can also lead to generalized joint pain, muscle aches, difficulty sleeping, anxiety, fatigue, and headaches.
Treatments for Auto Accidents Offered by Our Chiropractor
Our chiropractor in Naperville IL offers several treatments for people recovering from auto accident injuries, including spinal adjustments, acupuncture, and auricular therapy. Together, these services can promote wellness at every stage of recovery:
- Reduce and control inflammation and swelling by stimulating circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid
- Reduce and control pain by stimulating nerve receptors in the skin, joints, and central nervous system and by
- triggering the release of pain-relieving molecules within the body
- Control and guide scar tissue formation and prevent mobility-restricting adhesions and muscle tension
- Restore normal joint mechanics and spinal alignment to prevent recurring dysfunction
Looking For Auto Accident Injury Treatment Near Naperville IL?
If an auto accident ever occurs on your road of life, then contact our chiropractor in Naperville IL, Dr. Tim Erickson, by calling (630) 983-1805 today!
Chiropractic Treatment for Auto Accident Injuries
After an auto accident is when many people begin going to a chiropractor. Here in Naperville, IL, Symmetry Chiropractic & Acupuncture offers holistic, drug-free treatment to help heal injuries and reduce pain after a car accident. Whether you have minor aches and pains from a low-speed collision or are in the process of recovery from a more serious injury, we can help.
Why Should I Get My Minor Auto Accident Injury Treated?
Major injuries are typically dealt with right away, but people have a tendency to leave minor injuries to fester. This means that by the time you eventually seek treatment, there is not only the original injury to deal with, but also all of the associated problems. Minor injuries are also more likely to show up hours or days after a crash, rather than being immediately apparent.
What is Whiplash and Other Common Car Accident Injuries?
Whiplash is the name most commonly used for sprains and strains of the neck. Sprains, strains, and pulled muscles are some of the most common injuries to occur in car accidents, and the neck is especially vulnerable. If you have a stiff or sore neck, our doctor can evaluate your condition and diagnose whiplash or some other type of injury. Luckily, whiplash tends to respond well to chiropractic care.
Some minor injuries are common after a car accident:
- Whiplash
- Sprains
- Strains
- Pulled muscles
- Joint misalignments
What is Chiropractic Treatment?
Our chiropractor offers traditional spinal manipulation treatments, as well as other forms of joint manipulation and treatment. We also offer acupuncture, which is a proven method of reducing pain through triggering certain nerves in the body. These methods complement each other beautifully because chiropractic treatment seeks to undo the damage done by an auto accident, while acupuncture is used to relieve pain.
Here at Symmetry Chiropractic & Acupuncture, we offer a range of treatments for people suffering from car accident injuries. Our methods are holistic and designed to reduce pain by treating the underlying issue, as well as considering the effects of the injury on the entire body:
- Chiropractic adjustments
- Acupuncture
- Auricular therapy
- Custom foot orthotics
Why See a Chiropractor in Naperville IL after an Accident?
The main reason is to treat and prevent pain and discomfort. Auto accident injuries that are immediately apparent usually send people to their family doctor or the hospital, but the aches and pains that appear later are often untreated. Certain conditions that a medical doctor may elect to treat with drugs or rest only may also be able to be treated by our chiropractor in Naperville IL.
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:30am - 12:30pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Symmetry Chiropractic & Acupuncture
3108 Illinois Rte 59 Ste 124
Naperville, IL 60564